This one is made of Dupioni Silk - a lovely fabric for ring slings! It's strong, breathable, fabulous looking and easy to care for!
This one is made from 100% linen, a similarly great fabric for ring slings! This photo shows the panel and pocket. For this one I experimented with a different shoulder, but I wasn't that fond of it and went back to the pleated sholder
And then there's a double layered cotton sling
I have gathered inspiration from different places and come up with the design that I find most comfortable to wear, pretty and useful. Inspirations include:

Sleeping Baby Productions has some great information on how to make your own sling, and I encourage you to do so! I have used Janet's information, but I have changed the way I pleat my slings a bit to something I find better to wear. But that's all down to personal preference, really. I have created the panel and the pocket myself, as I find that they add something unique and useful to each sling - and that makes each of my slings completely unique.
Great stuff Ditte! Love from Italia.