Common sense is a must! If it doesn't feel quite right or safe, try again. A safe carry is comfortable for both wearer and baby.
Make sure that the fabric in the sling isn't twisted through the rings, and to make things easier for yourself, spread the fabric out evenly through the rings before you get started
You start by putting the sling over one shoulder with the rings at the top of your shoulder. The rings will move down as you tighten it. I put the sling on my left side and I am right handed. You could change shoulder every time, but I think most people find a shoulder that feels more comfortable for them.
Then you take baby and rest her on the shoulder as if you were burping her
Then you ease the fabric over her bottom and lower back right up to the arm pits (or above if baby is happy enough to be carried with arms in)
You then tighten the fabric by pulling lower and upper rails. Baby needs to be seated in the carrier so that the fabric goes all the way to her knees. Her knees should be higher than her bottom so there's no risk of falling out of the carrier.
If it feels like the baby is still quite far from you, you might need to tighten the top rail more. As you do that, baby will sit snugly against your torso and you will not need to support her back with your arms.
For snuggle factor it's still lovely to hold your arms around her, though, and her head is always temptingly close to kiss. From this point of view she sees the world from where you do and it's so easy to communicate about all the stuff you see and experience throughout the day.
This carry, called a Tummy to Tummy carry, can be used when your baby is strong enough to hold her head up.
Arms in or out depends very much on the baby, her age and her mood. It's super easy to adjust the sling as you go and as she changes her mood. Ring slings are also great to use when they reach toddlerhood and want up and down constantly, as they are so easy to put on and take off.
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