Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Summer Dresses

I haven't blogged for a while, but I have still been sewing. Mostly summer dresses for Iluka, but also gifts and other bits and bobs.

This first dress has been my favourite summer dress for Iluka, I think. I love that fabric! Also, a mum at the swimming pool we go to asked me to make one for her, which I did. It's always great when people like what you make.

This other one I made for a dear friend of mine, and although she lives in cooler climates (to say the least) she can put it over tights and long sleeves.

Both dresses are viewed from the back - they don't have buttons at the front.
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1 comment:

  1. Hej Ditte
    Hvor er det bare nogle super søde kjoler!!
    Jeg talte neop med en veninde, om vi ikke skulle begynde at sælge smykker mm. sammen via f.eks. en hjemmeside eller en blog. Sælger du egentlig dine ting? Kan man det fra en blog?
    Kh Signe
